19th August 2002 22:49 UTC
Compilation problems
Yeaah, i know : "another compilation problem... you should search the forum for the answer... !!!" !
Well, yes, i could, but i don't think the answer would be present : that's the first time i have this problem...
I'm making the french version of NSIS, and one of the french users noticed a bug.... CopyFiles function was crashing !
Well, i tested and retested it : the french release's CopyFiles was crashing !
I replaced, file by file, all frennch sources to see what was the wrong file... none !
The last idea was to recompile the english sources (just after NSIS installation into an empty directory ...) : before compilation, the script was working, but after compiling the sources (without any mods on it), CopyFiles was crashing !!! Well, i'm getting mad with that ... :( :( :( !
Is anybody's the same problem ? Did my VC++ compiler become mad ??
20th August 2002 09:02 UTC
I just downloaded from SourceForge the latest 2.0a6, installed it, opened the .dsw file and did a Rebuild All on the code. Then I made sure that my file associations were pointing at the newly built makensis.exe and compiled examples/bigtest.nsi. The CopyFiles code in that worked fine when I ran the generated installer.
20th August 2002 17:55 UTC
huuuuu, that's what i was thinking of... my compiler get's mad :(
20th August 2002 18:33 UTC
Crashes on my alpha 6 too... I will check it out.
Silent copying seems to work though...
20th August 2002 19:43 UTC
what's crashing ??? FileCopy ?
20th August 2002 23:43 UTC
Neeraj Tewari
13th August 2003 03:08 UTC
I tried to enable the logging by uncommenting the NSIS_CONFIG_LOG in config.h . After recompiling the makensis.exe, CopyFile seems to crash. Before that it was working fine.
13th August 2003 11:56 UTC
Read the bold note in: