Archive: uninstal section????

uninstal section????
I have a problem:
I make a script which can install different version of a software, whitout recompile it. In fact a lot of information in the script are find whith a dll present in the install disk.
what i want is to give some of this informations to the uninstall section. But apparently the user variables ($1 for exemple)can't be give from the install section to the uninstal section.
I can't write keys on registry because when i install a new version of the software, the value of the key will be replace and then I can uninstall only the last installed version. Have you any solution for me??
I have another question: is there any command(whith makeNSIS) to compile another nsi script when you execute the instalation program made by a nsi script?

escuse me for my bad english but I'm french. I hope that you understand me!
tank you.

You have no other option but to write those values some where. The best solution is in the registry... How about uninstalling the older version when installing a new version?

is there any command(whith makeNSIS) to compile another nsi script when you execute the instalation program made by a nsi script?
If NSIS is present on the sustem you can use Exec, ExecWait or ExecShell to run makensis.exe.

To get the path to NSIS read HKLM\SOFTWARE\NSIS default value from the registry.

tank you
tank you for your help and your quick answer!:up: ;)

Window less start of makensis.exe

Is there a possibilty to start the makensis.exe without the console window?
I think makensisw.exe does it ?
But it always shows the compiling window. Maybe a window less switch for makensisw would be interesting!

It is possible but you will have to write your own EXE/Dll to do the job. Have a look at MakeNSISProc in makensisw.cpp, this is where all the "action" happens.