Archive: http:// prefix detection

http:// prefix detection
how about letting nsis detect whenever the prefix http:// is used in any part of it (messagebox, licence-text, whatever) and making it clickable?

NSIS 2 makes links in the License text clickable. Making a hyperlink in a messagebox is not possible in Windows.

Do Help -> About in IE6 and at the bottom of the dialog you'll see two clickable links... "not possible" hehe :P

Originally posted by Sunjammer
Do Help -> About in IE6 and at the bottom of the dialog you'll see two clickable links... "not possible" hehe :P
Yes, but that is a dialog, not a MessageBox. Only plain text and line breaks are allowed in a MessageBox. A dialog is owner-drawn which gives you control over all of the elements, while a messageBox only lets you set the title, text, and the icon displayed.

Ah but a MessageBox is a simple dialog drawn for you by Windows to make your life simpler. There is nothing stopping you replacing the call to MessageBox with your own dialog.

Originally posted by Sunjammer
Ah but a MessageBox is a simple dialog drawn for you by Windows to make your life simpler. There is nothing stopping you replacing the call to MessageBox with your own dialog.
Yeah but it is quite a lot of work and extra overhead.

Before this thread dies completely, killahbite if it's a feature you want I suggest you add it to the NSIS2K SourceForge project feature requests here (if you haven't already).

Is hyperlink detection fixed in final alpha 7 (and is mailto: detected ?)? Because I have a preversion and it is not detected in Licen Text
I use Win98 SE, french

Originally posted by Wyz
Is hyperlink detection fixed in final alpha 7 (and is mailto: detected ?)? Because I have a preversion and it is not detected in Licen Text
I use Win98 SE, french
No, there is no detection of hyperlinks inside of rtf files for the license data for a7. I'm not sure that this was requested or if its possible or needed.

What are you talking about? Hyper links are still detected in the license page in a7 and this was never broken. E-Mails are only detected if they have mailto: before them, that's how Windows does it.

It doesn't work on Windows 98 becuase for some weird reason it always loads the old RichEdit control, even though Windows 98 should have version 2.

Hmm, you are right, I don't know what I was thinking.

Is there no way to force Win98 to use v2 of RichEdit ?
Otherwise there are some text editors which have htpp:// dectection working, can't you work a code for the licence window in order to make this possible for all Windows build ?
One more thing... I have tested with a .rtf file containing an hyperlink : the link is displayed in blue but no way to activate it

I will try again, but if it works don't you ask me to make it work on 95 too :D

Seems like my Windows 98 doesn't have v2 even though this MSDN page says it should =/
And yet again we encounter the great, enriched, content filled, not an inch from the truth documentation of Microsoft...

Would you mind searching for RichEd20.dll on your Windows 98 machine and tell me if you can find it?

Found it in my Windows 98(first edition) in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM.

Thank you nant. I used SFC, and what do you know, it came back!
Seems like Windows 98 want you to specifically say you want v2 unlike others that just assume. I will try to find the best solution that will make it work on all OSes, including 95 (without hyper links because it doesn't v2).

Originally posted by kichik
Thank you nant. I used SFC, and what do you know, it came back!
Seems like Windows 98 want you to specifically say you want v2 unlike others that just assume. I will try to find the best solution that will make it work on all OSes, including 95 (without hyper links because it doesn't v2).
The v2 dll is often installed by other software on Windows 95. So you should check for v2, even on Win95.

There are also mutiple versions of riched20.dll. On my system I found the following versions :
* (version 5)
* (version 3)
* (version 4)
And one may have installed by my text editor which higlight URLs : ConTEXT ( ).
So it seems you can make it available for any Win OS...

Done. Now NSIS will always use RichEdit v2 if present.
Get your update at the CVS.

I tested w/ makensis 1.57 updated by justin 1014 but in the compiled version the licence text is not displayed (I don't have the window in which the text is displayed) and next button doesn't work ! (it's the same w/ 1.56 and w/ 1.54 : I see only an empty window but next button work...)

Originally posted by Wyz
I tested w/ makensis 1.57 updated by justin 1014 but in the compiled version the licence text is not displayed (I don't have the window in which the text is displayed) and next button doesn't work ! (it's the same w/ 1.56 and w/ 1.54 : I see only an empty window but next button work...)
What exactly did you test? NSIS 1.x doesn't use the richedit control at all.

I have tested the makensis.exe versions available in the CVS (those were it is mentionned "RichEdit")...

Originally posted by rainwater

What exactly did you test? NSIS 1.x doesn't use the richedit control at all.
He means the CVS revision 1.x

Originally posted by Joost Verburg

He means the CVS revision 1.x
Oh, thanks, I was starting to lose it for s sec :)

Originally posted by Wyz
I tested w/ makensis 1.57 updated by justin 1014 but in the compiled version the licence text is not displayed (I don't have the window in which the text is displayed) and next button doesn't work ! (it's the same w/ 1.56 and w/ 1.54 : I see only an empty window but next button work...)
If you are using a UI.exe, be sure to get latest (I updated modern.exe, modern2.exe, and default.exe) .. If it still doesnt work let me know.


So you're THE justin ?
Thx for the reply, I didn't think I needed to update modern.exe (the UI I use)
It now works very fine, good job guys !

PS : if we want to change the link color or to disable a link ?