Archive: Easy Question

Easy Question
From the HTML, it says this should work:

Function .onInstSuccess
MessageBox MB_YESNO "Installation Successful.$\rWould you like to read the README?" IDNO NoReadme
Exec notepad.exe "${INSTDIR}\readme.txt"; view readme or whatever, if you want.

And I do, obviously, have readme.txt included in the FILE thing.

$INSTDIR is a parameter, not a defined value, so don't use {}.

Quote it all into one parameter and it should work:
Exec 'notepad.exe "$INSTDIR\readme.txt"

To run a Readme file (.txt) I use : ExecShell open ReadMe.txt on .
What's the difference between Exec and ExecShell ??

ExecShell uses the shell to open the file. This means you don't control the program that opens the file, the shell does. In this case I would say it is better to use ExecShell, becuase then you don't have to worry about notepad.exe to be in the user's path, and you give the user his default text editor.