Archive: Language files

Language files
Hi !
* Try to use LoadLanguageFile "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Language Files\Englidh.nlf" in a project file and look at the caption of the compiled exe : it displays "NAME Setup" instead of using the Name variable...
* I have also a request concerning languages... For example I'd like to replace "Available space:" by "Available space : "... But I'm not sure that the space at the end will be displayed correctly... Maybe you could add a string like the nbsp html one in order this space to be displayed...

Re: Language files

Originally posted by Wyz
Hi !
* Try to use LoadLanguageFile "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Language Files\Englidh.nlf" in a project file and look at the caption of the compiled exe : it displays "NAME Setup" instead of using the Name variable...
Make sure you set the Name value after you include the language file.

English is the default language if you didn't specify the /LANG parameter or used another string setter/LoadLanguageFile before.

Name bla
LoadLanguageFile english.nlf

Should work, and works for me.

If you write:

Name bla
LoadLanguageFile german.nlf

however, it will not work because the "bla" name was set to the English string table.

Ok, it's for that !! Sounds quite logical... Sorry.
And for the request doc ?
CU and thx

I am sorry, I missed that one. Just use SpaceTexts, it won't ignore any spaces.

Hum. I'm don't know how to express myself :(
*I'd like spaces to be displayed when reading from .nlf file. But when it is at te end of the string, it is not sure it is present...
* I noticed also that Name works when put AFTER LoadLanguage (LoadLanguage file.nlf then Name "bla")

I am sorry, but I don't understand the problem. When loading NLFs NSIS does use each and every space from it.

It might comes from text editor... I can't know if there is a space at the end or not. Will try w/ an other one to see.

How did you download the NLF?

It's just the .nlf file I have in my NSIS dir... I wanted to modify some things (like to add a spca at the end of some strings)
I will try w/ an other text editor