Archive: a new modern icons

a new modern icons
hi. i`ve tried to make some icons (2 for now) hope you`ll like them :p

Woohoo! Mike The Llama going modern :D

[edit]Almost forgot, it is in the CVS now :p[/edit]

yea, i like that llama it`s great. i think it should be the symbol of NSIS forever... :p

[edit] almost forgot what is CVS? :eek: [/edit]

Could we get a screen shot? ;)

CVS stands for Concurrent Versions System. It basically holds the latest development version.

Have a look at this thread to learn how to get the latest version from the CVS (it includes a screen shot nant :D).

Well that's very nice, but I was talking about the icons... :)

Oh, in that case just extract them and look at them in explorer.
But anyway, attached :)

Yeah, I know how to view icons... ;) I'm just a lazy person, I admit. 'sides, it's seems like a trend to always ask for a screen shot in forums instead of downloading and checking for yourself. Oh well.
