Archive: ShortCut and File deletion problems

ShortCut and File deletion problems

I am new developer to the world of Nsis. I have got it all and i am trying to create a nice installer for my java program. I am having quite a few problems with the file deletion and shortcut creation stuff.

The problems are: with the shortcut the target i need is
"c:\program files\tsa-ar01\jre\bin\javaw.exe" -jar "c:\program files\tsa-ar01\RemoteControl.jar"

As you can see it uses a program to run the java code itself. If i use anyother format apart from this it won't work. But i can't get this format into my nsis installer script. Can anbody help with that please.

The problem with file deletion is a fun one! I have a large list of files and some of the files are in a format of myfile$10.class. as you can see the installer will see that as a variable, but i need to delete it! can anybody help with that too!

thanks in advance


CreateShortCut "C:\whatever\shortucut.lnk" "C:\java\javaw.exe" '-jar "$INSTDIR\whatever.jar"' "$INSTDIR\icon files.ico"

As you can see the parameters string is a separate parameter than the program location itself.

To use $ without it being processed as a variable use $$.

Excellant! done that!
Hi Kichik,

thanks for that, i was sitting here for about two hours trying to get that working... i was just about to look at the faq which you posted up (and of course it was there!) when i got your post.

thanks anyway.

I will be using NSIS for developing an installer for a java program which i am developing for a company, its going to be a biggie app so i wanted a good installer which is niceely configurable and small! i think i have found this with NSIS!

thanks for all the help, i may need more in the future, but next time i will check the faq first!... hopefully i will be able to help others as i get more and more experience with this installer!



Great :)

Welcome to the forums :D