Archive: when the message show again in install ?

when the message show again in install ?
the message on line 80 and line 81
!insertmacro MUI_INNERDIALOG_TEXT 1033 1042 "Description"
!insertmacro MUI_INNERDIALOG_TEXT 1033 1043 "Hover your mouse over a component to see it's description.

if i move over conponent one and move out, the description is still that of conponent one "Copy the modern.exe file to the application folder."

Edited by kichik: we all have the script (MultiLanguage.nsi). If you want to include huge scripts, attach them next time.

Woah long post, can you please attach that as a file next time and quote the relevant parts!

The description is being displayed until you hover over another section (for example, the Uninstall section).

Yes, I also suggested a mouseout event so that you could clear the description, but the idea was shot down :(


It's not really a big problem, but a onMouseOut even would be nice.

Originally posted by Sunjammer
It seems very unnatural for the description to stick when you mouseout of a section. I see the description as a tooltip. So when you mouseout of a section and still see a description, it can be confusing as to what the description is for. I assume this is the original poster's problem with it as well.

Noo I meant why was the idea shot down? :D

Originally posted by Sunjammer
Noo I meant why was the idea shot down? :D
I wish I knew :)

I think the current approach can be confusing to non-geek users if they see a description that is "stuck". They may get the wrong impression about what is being installed.

Was this ever implemented? I installed Winamp 3 the other day, and noticed that the description cleared when the mouse was not over any section. Is the Winamp 3 NSIS script available anywhere?

What you've seen in Winamp3 is an inner dialog of Winamp itself and not NSIS.