18th September 2002 11:09 UTC
reading past EOF.. FileSeek ?
i currently am trying to read in past the EOF of the installer.. [file gets downloaded and 32 characters are tagged to the end of the installer]
FileOpen $R7 "$CMDLINE" "r"
FileSeek $R7 "-32" "END" $R6
FileRead $R6 $R8 32
FileClose $R7
MessageBox MB_OK "last 32 bytes == $R8"
what am i doing wrong o_O
all i want to do is read the last 32 bytes/chars tagged onto the end and for the life of me i'm not sure where i am going wrong
18th September 2002 11:31 UTC
Re: reading past EOF.. FileSeek ?
Originally posted by snowchyld
FileOpen $R7 "$CMDLINE" "r"
FileSeek $R7 "-32" "END" $R6
FileRead $R6 $R8 32
FileClose $R7
MessageBox MB_OK "last 32 bytes == $R8"
$R6 at FileSeek line is not necessary, it aquires the new position value and can be ommited. The error situated at FileRead line: the first variable have to be the file handle (like at all other commands), so $R7 according to your code. So:
FileSeek $R7 "-32" "END"
FileRead $R7 $R8 32
Just checked - that works fine...
18th September 2002 11:52 UTC
if i am in the directory and run it [from command line] it works..
if i double click the icon it.. doesnt
FileOpen $R7 $CMDLINE "r"
FileSeek $R7 "-32" "END"
FileRead $R7 $R8 32
MessageBox MB_OK "32 bits == $R8"
FileClose $R7
any ideas ?
18th September 2002 14:25 UTC
I told you it will happen :)
Make sure $CMDLINE is what you want it to be... Make sure it is not quoted, and make sure there are no command line parameters.
18th September 2002 14:28 UTC
i know kchik ;)
thing is i need to read in the bytes from the file, and the only way that works at the moment is double clicking the icon, and stripping away the inverted commas..
im not expecting anyone to give command lines.. if they do ill just default the 32 bytes to something else ;)