25th September 2002 14:22 UTC
Forcing upper case for folder names
Let's say I want to create a shortcut directory called WIDGET. I want WIDGET to be all uppercase. On my 2000 machine, the following code works.
When I run the same code on a 98 or NT 4.0 box, the folder is Widget. Doh!
25th September 2002 14:50 UTC
Well, it's not NSIS's fault. It something to do with 98 or NT. I checked the directory in 98 and it is all uppercase. But when you look at it in the Start Menu it's Widget.
25th September 2002 17:21 UTC
you will need to allow all uppercase folders, usually this has to be set in the explorer options on nt and win 9x
i'm sure there's a trigger in registry for this
25th September 2002 17:23 UTC
User Key: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\
Value Name: DontPrettyPath
Data Type: REG_DWORD (DWORD Value)
Value Data: (0 = adjust caps, 1 = show caps)
here you go!
25th September 2002 17:46 UTC
Aha. Sweet. Thanks.