27th September 2002 18:57 UTC
Why? a bug?
I use a micro like this:
!insertmacro UpgradeDLL "dao360.dll" "$PROGRAMFILES\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO\dao360.dll"
the micro like this:
GetDLLVersion ${DLL_LOCATION} $3 $4
when I compile,error comes:
GetDLLVersion expects 3 parameters, got 5.
Usage: GetDLLVersion filename $(user_var: high output) $(user_var: low output)
Error in macro UpgradeDLL on macroline 8
error cause because the filepath string "...dao360.dll" has two space.
but if I don't call GetDLLVersion in micro, everything is OK!
or if I remove the two space in DLL_LOCATION , everything is OK,too!
how I can run:
!insertmacro UpgradeDLL "dao360.dll" "$PROGRAMFILES\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO\dao360.dll"
with no error?
pls! I need your help!
27th September 2002 19:32 UTC
try this
GetDLLVersion "${DLL_LOCATION}" $3 $4
28th September 2002 04:09 UTC
yes,It works but....
I try and it works.
but the Script Cause compile error in :
File /oname=${DLL_LOCATION} ${DLL_NAME}
Usage: File ([/a] [/r] filespec [...]|/oname=outfile one_file_only)
Error in macro UpgradeDLL on macroline 16
So I change it to:
File /oname="${DLL_LOCATION}" ${DLL_NAME}
it still the same error.
So why this comes?and How I can do? those error always in micro.
help me,pls!
28th September 2002 10:03 UTC
This should do it:
File "/oname=${DLL_LOCATION}" ${DLL_NAME}
When a parameter may contain spaces, the quotes have to be placed around the whole parameter, not just the filename.
28th September 2002 15:20 UTC
thx all!
I'm using it to handle my VB app installation. I works well except the .tlb file register. if this problem is OK, this setup tool will be perfect!
Joost Verburg
28th September 2002 21:09 UTC
That's normal, you don't have to register type libraries.
Koen van de Sande
29th September 2002 15:56 UTC
This is my personal version of the UpgradeDLL macro... I made it at the same time as Kypec. However, it does not need any additional plugins like his version.
Hope you like it.