Archive: progress indicator is a bit scary

progress indicator is a bit scary
This is regarding the fact that the progress indicator advances after a file has been extracted, so if I have many small files AND ONE big file, it will seem OK till the small files get extracted and then it will SEEM as if the NSIS installer has hung up :eek:

I don't whether it is possible to design a mechanism by which the actual progress can be shown so that the user knows that the installer is still alive.

- Shantanu

I have yet to see that be done in any installers. It'd be quite cool though :D.

It does exist !!!... "innosetup" shows the actual progress ...

I will try to add the percentage of completion in the Extract: file string.

I guess that will do...but will it be too much of an overhead to show the progress actually (as it it really is) ?

Its just that that will look cooler than the percentage :)

- Shantanu

Actually, IMHO it will look even wierder because NSIS has a scripting language which means files can be skipped, and seeing one big progress because of alot of files skipped will be even weirder than not seeing it.

I don't understand :(

What I think you mean is that there is no direct method of predicting which file might and might not get extracted (and hence no way of knowing the "part of total") because of the possible jumps in the scripts.

If this is what you mean...then OK, will have to do with percentage extracted.

This idea is just for kicks (looks) :) about a second progress-bar for the current file. I don't know if it would be good idea to implement it or not. (Some people might like the way it looks, some might not)

What say you ? :)

- Shantanu

Yes, that's what I meant.
A second progress bar won't look as good IMHO.