Archive: Closing Explorer Shell!?

Closing Explorer Shell!?
I want to close the explorer shell!
This doesnt seem to work(-:cry:-):


FindWindow $R5 "" explorer
StrCmp $R5 0 explorernotrunning
SendMessage $R5 16 "" ""


What should i do? :eek:

You should search the forum and find:

I have read that. but it doesnt solve my problem...

i need the class name of the explorer shell...
and since it doesnt really have a window i cont get it with win32spy!

How should i do?

the class name of the tray is Shell_TrayWnd so this could work:


FindWindow $R5 Shell_TrayWnd

and it sorta does, but then i get the Shut Down menu..

is there any way of getting round this?
a kill command or other way to force it to close?

Shell_TrayWnd is the class of the tray bar...

Killing Explorer is never a good idea. There is almost always a better way of doing whatever it is you are trying to do, and if there isn't a restart or logoff/on would be a lot better than killing Explorer.

If you tell me what exactly you are trying to do I might be able to help you a little better.

I really have to close explorer since im building a shellswicher for litestep...

so, when running the program it determines if explorer is running and if it is it should shutdown explorer and start litestep!

so i have to close explorer!


Killing Explorer is never a good idea. There is almost always a better way of doing whatever it is you are trying to do, and if there isn't a restart or logoff/on would be a lot better than killing Explorer.
AFAIK there is no clean way of restarting explorer other than a logoff-logon or a reboot.

How do i do to logoff/on?

I searched the forum and the help files but i couldnt find anything about a 'logoff' command. Is there one? Or is there any other way to logoff, like displaying the shutdown menu or something?

Sorry if im a pain in the ass:)

You will have to create an extension DLL to do this.
Just have the DLL function call ExitWindowsEx(EWX_LOGOFF, 0);
I suggest you only call this DLL function if the user agrees. You can also call ExitWindowsEx with system.dll but I haven't really tried it yet so you will have to ask brainsucker about its usage.

i dont have the knowledge required to make an extension dll... :(
you think that someone has already made an extension like that?

or do yoy know of someone hwo just loves making extension dlls for otherpeople?

I think that a logoff/of command is something that should be included...

You can also call ExitWindowsEx with system.dll but I haven't really tried it yet so you will have to ask brainsucker about its usage.

system solution
That's damn thing closed all the windows and disconnected me from inet. Sucks, but works...