Archive: haw to copy a folder in c++ language

haw to copy a folder in c++ language

I develop an NSIS instalation script and in this script i use some dll and one that I have create. in this dll I need to copy a folder to a floppy disk. I use Borland C++ Builder 5 to develop this dll.

Perhaps some NSIS developpers (or others) can help me because on makeNSIS there is a command (CopyFiles ) that can copy a whole directory and subdirectories??

I know that it is not directly a NSIS script question but perhaps someone know this function!
tank you!!!

NSIS is open source which means you can look in the source, and it is also completely free so you can copy what ever you want from it.

If you don't have the Source folder in your NSIS folder, reinstall and this time mark the source component so it will be installed. Then go to Source\Exehead\exec.c line 1043 and copy what ever you need :)