Archive: Installer verification failed

Installer verification failed
I'm a VB6 programmer and I made two identical programs for the same company.
This programs are a video catalogue of its articles. The difference is only in the code of the article. The rest is all the same.
I have used Nsis to create the package of installation of the two programs.
And naturally I have used the same (CRCcheck On) options. I have created the auto-installing CD and I have delivered them to the company,
which tells me: " ... the first program has been installed correctly, but the second return the following message... "
------> Installer verification failed.
------> This could be the result of an incomplete download
------> a falling disk, or (possibly) corruption from a virus.
------> Yuo can try force an install using th /NCRC
------> command line switch (but it is NOT recommended)
Why the first program works and the second not?
I thank in advance all those who will be able to give me an idea for solving the problem.
:cry: :cry:

The message tells you exactly what's wrong:

This could be the result of an incomplete download a falling disk, or (possibly) corruption from a virus.

I thank you for the availability but you do not help me . In the previous message I have forgotten to specify that the second program worked perfectly on other Pc.
So if the causes are those sights, I would discard the virus, because would otherwise have given the same problem also with the first. I would discard a falling disk because on other Pc it works. It does not stay that an incomplete Download.
I ask: if I repeat the installation will it keep on giving the problem? Or one installs before or later? And besides because only that Pc is not able to do a complete Download, since that the installation package and an only .exe file?
Maybe is talking about decompression of the .exe file and copy of the Files in the various Directory more right? In this case if the Pc or a part of it, ditches protected in writing, her would verify this problem? If I do not make a mistake the S.O. which it is installed on it is a WinME.
Can it mean something? Thanks still for the availability. Hi.

NSIS only shows this message if the installation file can not be read or it has invalid CRC. This could only happen if the file has somehow changed or the computer just misread it. Since it works on other computers and the installation is made from the CD which is RO the only way this could happen is if the computer has some CD-Rom hardware problems.

They could have also copied the file to their HD on which they have a virus so you should do a virus scan too.

Another thing that might have gone wrong is your CD burning. Does the CD that they have work on other computers?

Hi kichik,
On other Pc(Win98 e Win2000) the program is installed correctly. So for you it is not the S.O, but a hardware problem or a virus? I do not consider be a problem of virus, because the first program has installed himself perfectly, so it stays a hardware problem.
I will make him do a HD installation and an Anti-virus control. I will do another CD with the /NCRC option at last. I will let you know how it will go to finish. Thanks for everything.


Using /NCRC is NOT recommended. It forces the installer to ignore the CRC error and continue installing possibly corrupted files and executing corrupted scripts.

Hi kichik,
ok but if the other solutions do not work ... what recommend to me? :rolleyes:

Does the CD that they have work on other computers?