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- ModernUI and BrandImage revisited :(
Archive: ModernUI and BrandImage revisited :(
27th October 2002 20:29 UTC
ModernUI and BrandImage revisited :(
I am attaching a new "Modern UI" (modern3.zip :) ) which I have made by modifying "modern2.exe". The ZIP includes a screenshot .
I have used Resource Hacker to modify it.
The dimensions of the control I have set in ResourceHacker and not the same in the final compiled EXE. Why?
- Shantanu
27th October 2002 20:33 UTC
The size changes with the font, I guess this is the problem you are experiencing. The only thing you can do is change the font in modern3.exe itself.
27th October 2002 20:43 UTC
No no, I want to keep the overall dimensions of the UI as they are.
I changed the font to "MS Sans Serif" and still the picture remains the same :(
The obvious workaround it to design a smaller picture beforehand.
BTW, following was the ".onInit" function
Function .onInit
GetTempFileName $1
File /oname=$1 temp.bmp
Call .onNextPage
Call .onPrevPage
Following line was added as the first line of the .onNextPage function
SetBrandingImage $1
Any chance of this making it as modern3.exe in the final set of UIs ?
- Shantanu
Joost Verburg
27th October 2002 21:01 UTC
The unit you are using in ResourceHacker is not the pixel.
So a width of for example 50 in ResourceHacker does not mean that your image should have a width of 50 pixels.
27th October 2002 21:14 UTC
OK, do you know the ratio or how to calculate the value in pixels ?
And...oh yes...:) Is it any good ? Worth putting in the final set ?
- Shantanu
Joost Verburg
27th October 2002 21:51 UTC
The ratio depends on the Display DPI setting. You should make your image for the normal setting (75 DPI). Just get the dimensions from the screenshot.
For the BrandingImage, you should use /RESIZETOFIT so that it will be resized for other DPI settings. That will look ugly, but only a few people use a custom DPI setting anyway. :D
I don't think that I will add your modified UI to the standard set of UI's. If you got good images for all the different pages, it could be nice, but using the same image on every page does not really look good imho and uses a lot of space.
27th October 2002 21:55 UTC
The ratio also depends on the font you choose.
28th October 2002 09:01 UTC
Joost wrote
If you got good images for all the different pages, it could be
nice, but using the same image on every page does not really look
good imho and uses a lot of space.
Aren't the pictures to be decided by the end-user as per his/her own application ?
Do you mean that you want a set of generic pictures (for each page) which would go well with any app ?:weird:
- Shantanu
Joost Verburg
28th October 2002 14:14 UTC
The main problem is that the picture uses a lot of space, the dimensions are not so nice imo.
I don't think that adding a picture on each page will improve the interface.
A picture on a an intro screen is nice, but a picture on each page wastes to much space in this design.
31st October 2002 05:43 UTC
about image dimensions
I didn't realise that the values ResourceHacker was showing were _NOT_ pixel dimensions, thats why the picture dimensions are so odd :(
I agree that the dimensions of the SS_BITMAP need to be reworked, but I kept its height same as rhe RTFBox next to it.
What I was saying about individual pictures is that the user could set the BrandingImage for each section he/she would have in his/her software. Right ?
Whether its just one pic or more than one, its the users lookout, right ? The wastage of space (and added work :() is there, but it would give a better effect, wouldn't it ?
- Shantanu