Archive: passing bytes to MB and GB.

passing bytes to MB and GB.
  I want to write bytes as MB and GB, but using this:

    IntCmpU$1 1000 "" "" "kB"

FileWrite $0 "$4;$1Bytes;$1$\r$\n"
Goto tornai
IntOp $2 $1 / 1024
IntCmpU$2 1000 "" "" "MB"
FileWrite $0 "$4;$2kB;$1$\r$\n"
Goto tornai
IntOp $2 $2 / 1024
IntCmpU$2 1000 "" "" "GB"
FileWrite $0 "$4;$2MB;$1$\r$\n"
Goto tornai
IntOp $2 $2 / 1024
FileWrite$0 "$4;$2GB;$1$\r$\n"
Goto tornai
does a poor job (it writes 4888bytes as 4kB, at least it should write 5kB). I wanted to do it better but I don't get anything clear from IntFmt and that page from MSDN.

I wanted to write one decimal for MB and GB, but as we work with integers i don't know If nsis can do such a thing.

note: $4 is username, $2 is prefixed number, $1 is bytes.

What you need is mod (%) not IntFmt.

Here is an example:

StrCpy $1 4888 # number of bytes

>IntOp $2 $1 / 1024 # kilo-bytes
>IntOp $3 $1 % 1024 # left over bytes
>StrCpy $3 $3 1 # only one digit from the bytes
>MessageBox MB_OK $2.$3KB # result in KB.B
Same goes for MB and GB.

Are you sure that "mod" gives the decimal?

I think that mod gives the remainder and further operations must be done to get the decimals.

The problem is that when the decimal should be zero, nsis writes the next one.

ok, this is what I am finally using for passing Bytes to kB and MB. As GB usually make my nsis broke, I will take a look at them later.

$1 = bytes
$2 = with prefix

  IntCmp$1 1000 "" "" ">B"

StrCpy $2 "$1Bytes"
Goto SizeDone
IntOp $2 $1 / 1024
IntCmp$2 1000 "" "" ">kB"
StrCpy $2 "$2kB"
Goto SizeDone
IntOp $2 "$200" / 1024
#DetailPrint "$4 Bytes: $1"
#DetailPrint "$4 Result: $2"
StrLen $7 $2
IntOp$7 $7 - 1
StrCpy$3 $2 1 $7 # copy last digit (second decimal)
#DetailPrint "$4 Last digit: $3 (used for rounding)."
IntCmp $3 4 "" "NoMBRounding"
IntOp $2 $2 + 10
#DetailPrint "$4 Rounded: $2 (forget last number)."
IntOp $7 $7 - 1
StrCpy$3 $2 1 $7 # copy one decimal
StrCpy $2 $2 $7 # copy the integer part
StrCpy $2 "$2.$3MB"
DetailPrint "$2 = $1 bytes"