Archive: Comfirm MessageBox?

Comfirm MessageBox?
First I have to say this is one of the best installer programs Ive found.

Ok now, I have it set so the user can not change the instdir but I want to have a comfirm messagebox asking if they want to install.
I checked the messagebox thing but I cant understand just want I need to do. Im guessing I have to make it so that if the user clicks OK it will continue with the install and if Cancel is clicked it exits. But how do I get the OK button to continue and the cancel to exit? I read the Documentation file and it said something about 'GoTo' thats what I need, Right?

Could someone show me a example or something?

What you need is the .onUserAbort function. This callback function will be called when the user clicks the cancel button. There you can prompt the user with a message box and ask him if he really wants to cancel. Have a look at the documents about this function for more information and for an example:

MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "Do you want to install?" IDYES continue

Thanks, I looked at the .onUserAbort. Thats not what I wanted I did find the .onInit Function, Which does just what I wanted.

Thanks for the help.