SourceForge outages
Please be noted that SourceForge will be offline during:
On 2002-11-14 (Thursday), the site, project mailing list services, and the primary download server (which handles the redirects for all download requests) will be offline for a period of two to three hours, starting at 16:00 Pacific (GMT-8).This means that the NSIS development website will be down on Thursday and you won't be able to download any file from CVS on Sunday.
On 2002-11-17 (Sunday), project CVS services, project shell services, project web services (including all VHOSTs), and project database services will be offline for a period of up to twelve hours, starting at 10:00 Pacific (GMT-8). Project web services will be restored first, but will be brought up initially with read-only access to project group directory space. Static web content will be served correctly during this time period, but application-driven and database-dependent content and CGI scripts will not function correctly. Issues encountered during this time period SHOULD NOT be reported to; they are an expected side-effect of this outage.
Both outages (2002-11-14 at 16:00 for 3 hours, and 2002-11-17 at 10:00 for 12 hours) have been scheduled to permit the relocation of site hardware by staff.