my feature request list
This is my small feature request for all the NSIS2 Developers out there :)
1) easy to add Start Menu Folder Dialog (maybe in a plugin or a macro?)
- since most users like me are to lame or lazy (or both) to this by them self's
2) 7z compression it's one of the best format's I know and it's OSS.
- for that really big app that need to be compressed to the max.
3) $USERDOCS var with points to the user "My Documents.
- I really need this for my Save Games installer's.
4) dirtree to nsis script File instructions
- because it's a pain to write then when you have to install allot of files :(
5) improved zip2exe options with: icon, license text, gui and xpstyles picker
- also for my save games installers :D
6) !define COMPANY in Modern UI macro system would be nice
- but not really necessary I already worked around it
That's all I hope you don't find my feature request lame and even include some in the final NSIS2
release :)
PS: The Latest CVS build documentation is terrible please put it back with all chapters and content
showing in the index (I find it hard to find stuff like it is now)
Using: NSIS 2.00b0 CVS Build (Today)