Archive: problem with icon for shortcut

problem with icon for shortcut

I've successfully created a shortcut on my desktop and included an icon to use:

CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\ISU DiagnosticPathfinder.lnk" \
"C:\Program Files\Java Web Start\javaws.exe" \
'"$INSTDIR\DMDiagnosticPathfinder\AMDiagnosticPathfinder.jnlp"' \
'"$INSTDIR\DMDiagnosticPathfinder\RBDP.gif.ico"' \

The problem is that when the shortcut is created, one of the Windows generic icons is displayed instead of the one I specified. When I right click on the shortcut and look at the shortcut properties and select "Change Icon", the icon that is listed is the correct one, but that one is not displayed until I click "OK" within the "Change Icon" dialog.

Any suggestions on how to eliminate this behavior and get it to automatically display the correct icon?

BTW, my OS is Windows 2000.



Save your icon as a really .ico file.
Maybe your ico file is a gif file. I just guess from your filename.


Can someone please tell me if there is anything wrong with my code here:


After installation, my icon does not get used. The system icon still persists.



I managed to solve it with:



That's because the NSIS compiler cannot guess that you're referring to the icon.file argument. It thinks that it is a parameter for the shortcut.