Archive: Need some help...

Need some help...
  I have read through the messages on the boards and tried to re-use some of the posted code but to no avail...

Here is the nature of the problem:

I have created a simple installer that copy's 25 files in to the $INSTDIR. However this is an upgrade... I need a way to move files to $INSTDIR\backup directory *before* they get overwritten by the installer... Can anyone help? (BTW... I am Sooooo Not a programer...)


CreateDirectory $INSTDIR\backup
CopyFiles /SILENT $INSTDIR\*.* $INSTDIR\backup

That should do the trick.

  I will try that. Is there any way to just backup the files that it is going to replace?


Well, you can if you want check for the existance of every every file and move it. You can make a simple macro out it:

!macro BackupAndExtract FILE ONAME

IfFileExists"$INSTDIR\${ONAME}" 0 +2
Rename "$INSTDIR\\${ONAME}" "$INSTDIR\\backup\\${ONAME}"
File "/oname=${ONAME}" "${FILE}"
To use it:

CreateDirectory $INSTDIRbackup

>!insertmacro BackupAndExtract "C:\\dev\\whateverfile.something" ""
># NSIS will only delete this dir if it's empty
>RMDir $INSTDIRbackup

Boy this humbling....
  OK So I am obviously doing something very wrong....

Can you look at the attached and tell me where I am missing the point....

*Waits to be hit by the ClueX4*


You have read the old post :(

I have edited it since you have read it... Please read it again.

Ok saw the new post. Made some changes. But getting a compilation error:

File: "Core.dll"->"" 2338816 bytes
File: "Customize.dll"->"" 786432 bytes
File: "Editor.dll"->"" 2637824 bytes
File: "file.dll"->"" 241664 bytes
File: "file.exe"->"" 204800 bytes
File: "Generator.dll"->"" 327680 bytes
Usage: File ([/a] [/r] filespec [...]|/oname=outfile one_file_only)
Error in macro BackupAndExtract on macroline 3
Error in script "C:\Documents and Settings\mbeaver\My Documents\Development\NSIS\betapatch.nsi" on line 27 -- aborting creation process

Any thoughts? We are getting closer BTW... thanks!


You need to replcae with the output name of your file. For example:

!insertmacro BackupAndExtract "C:\dev\Core.dll" "Core.dll"

OK this works:
!insertmacro BackupAndExtract "C:\dev\Core.dll" "Core.dll"

But if I have a file:
!insertmacro BackupAndExtract "C:\dev\XML\stuff.xsl" "stuff.xsl"

It does not get backed up...

Any thoughts?


Attach the script please.

Here is the new version that works with sub folders too:

macro BackupAndExtract DIR FILE

SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\\${DIR}"
IfFileExists "$OUTDIR\\${FILE}" 0 +3
CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\\backup\\${DIR}"
Rename "$OUTDIR\\${FILE}" "$INSTDIR\\backup\\${DIR}\\${FILE}"
File "<insert app dir here>\\${DIR}\\${FILE}"

>!insertmacro BackupAndExtract "" "Core.dll"
>!insertmacro BackupAndExtract "subfolder" "AnotherDLL.dll"

That Worked! Thanks you VERY much for your help today. With out it I do not think we could have met our deadline...