Archive: InstallOptions Loses Options

InstallOptions Loses Options
I tried to use the InstallOptions in the CVS but playing with back and next buttons I see that the window loses options. That is, the first time you see that page there are 4 fields, but after using next and back there's only one.

Re: InstallOptions Loses Options
Which example are you referring to?

oh yes:)


I have no problems at all.

Please download the latest development snapshot at

ok, I attach the exe with a snapshot.

I am the only one using Win98SE?

PS. no need to say that the problem persist with CVS 2002-11-19.

Your compiled exe works fine here (Windows XP SP1). Maybe someone else using Windows 98 wants to test it.

works here, winxp (no sp1)


It's not the first time I have problems with NSIS because of OS.

Results on Win98 SE
Tried it under Win98 SE and I can confirm that there is a problem.


When the page "Install Option Test Setup: Testing Installer Options" first appears, it shows three options:

Install support for X
Install support for Y
Install support for Z

Only Y is ticked.

(Below this is some other stuff)
If you click Next then Back, or:
Back (to the licence) then "I Agree",
you see only one option (X) listed.

More Info
Now this is interesting.
The above results were from running the .exe posted here by nOOn3. When I tried compiling ${NSISDIR\Contrib\InstallOptions\test.nsi myself (NSIS 2.0b,CVS 2002-11-09) the resulting .exe seems to work OK. At least it doesn't exhibit the behaviour described above. It's either a bug that has crept in subsequent to the build I'm using, or it's something on your system.

I'm attaching the .exe and the sources (from \InstallOptions dir only)so you can compare yours with mine. See if the sources are the same, then do a file compare of your .exe with mine. (Have you made any changes to Test.nsi?)

Under Win 2000, it works fine too.

So you are using version 2002-11-09 and he is using version 2002-11-19?

I guess it's be a problem with the updated InstallOptions DLL.

two tests
well, I have CVS 2002-11-09 and it has the same bug.

I attach both versions.

PS. Strange enough the test.exe posted by Mottel runs smoothly.:rolleyes:

Please try some different InstallOptions versions:

He uses the snapshot that was created with the great ZIP program that can't convert the line breaks... Windows 98 doesn't like that in an INI file I guess...

Is that it?
Ahaaa! yes, I forgot to say that I later fixed the line-breaks on some of the text-files manually. Or, more to the point, I didn't think it was relevant. Has that fixed your problem nOOn3? (I read somewhere here today that the line-break bug has just been fixed.)

Yup, that was definitely it! Just recompiled Test.nsi with the original Test.ini from CVS 2002-11-09 (with the missing \r's) and nOOns problem reappeared! I guess those line-breaks are more important than I thought.

Re: Is that it?

Originally posted by Mottel
I later fixed the line-breaks on some of the text-files manually. Has that fixed your problem nOOn3?
yes, that was the problem. I use a notepad replacement called Metapad that can read unix format and didn't realize.

btw, it can change file format with a click (it supports dos, unix and unicode).

try it here: