Archive: Feature request and bug report :)

Feature request and bug report :)
Ok. Feature request is very simple: please do something for easy use of MultiLanguage Product names (for MUI :). It could be done by using some variable ($6 for ex.) as MUI_PRODUCT and initializing it at onInit + by redefining MUI_INNERTEXT_DIRECTORY_TOP, but ...

Ok, now some spotted bugs (or [un]known features (forgive me if they are known, please)).

1. Look for NAME constant (script attached, sorry for big size). And look at the result (line "!define w ${NAME}") after including the language files. Build log shows:

should be
!define: "w"="LIdea Competitions"

Something with constant buffer I think, but I'm too tired to look for it thru sources... ;)

2. Default rountine is to pop $LANGUAGE after LangDLL at .onInit. It will be nice if we will be able to use that defined language at once (at the same .onInit). Yes, the right variable available as const ($LANGUAGE), but not for LangStr defined strings. $(name) returns here last defined value for name for any language.

* You can easily change the product name for in the strings a certain language by redefining MUI_PRODUCT before inserting a language file. Using global variables is not a good idea.

* In .onGUIInit, you can use the LangStrings.

* NAME is a define used as parameter in the Modern UI macro's. NSIS does not seem to restore the original situation after inserting a macro. I'll ask kichik.

Cool. :)
It seems my brain was sucked away... ;)

ok. and what about custom readme-s?

Custom Readme's? What do you mean?

You can configure the 'Show Readme' checkbox on the finish page by defining MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME "Filename"

I mean different readmes for different languages :)
The same request goes to Default StartMenu Folder :)


Make it a LangString, it should work.

That define bug has been fixed.