Archive: execwait problem

execwait problem
Hi everybody,

I just have a problem by testing my new NSIS script.
It's good on Windows 2000, windows XP but the command execwait doesn't go very well on windows 98.
In fact, on windows 98 & 95 , the nsis script doesn't wait the end of my job sent by execwait.

Other question: is it possible to have a sort of execshellwait ?
It would be cool....

Attach the script please.

There is no such thing ExecShellWait. If you want you can read the executable value from the registry and ExecWait it yourself instead of letting the shell do it.

here's my scipt
The line of my execwait is :

execWait $INSTDIR\ini\fg_mjver.bat

Sorry I forgot to join my file
Here's now.

ExecWait for batch files works perfectly fine for me here. Try quoting it, if the path has spaces in it Windows 9x tends to get crazy.

Thanks a lot. I try it now !!!!

I am having a similar issue. I am launching a third party install (an exe wrapper that launchs an MSI install). The execwait seems to wait for the exe to finish but as soon as msiexec starts, the installer moves on to the next step. It works fine on win2000 and xp.

Not sure if there is way to fix it, but it is really making the flow of the installer difficult to manage under windows 9X.

The executed installer probably extracts another installer and executes it without waiting for it. You can use Unattended resources to find out how to make it wait for the other installer. For example, InstallShield waits if you pass /SMS on the command line.

In these days, Execwait command becomes so important for NSIS user.

That's my opinion.