Archive: Installing e.g Acrobar reader ???

Installing e.g Acrobar reader ???
In my product i use the acrobat reader. In my installer i have made it possible to select to install the arobat reader software.

If selected i run

Section "Adobe"
SectionIn 2
SetOutPath $INSTDIR\util
File ${SOURCE}\bin\commercial\adobe\ar500enu.exe
ExecWait '"$INSTDIR\util\ar500enu.exe"'

The acrobat reader install starts and when finished my own installation continues..

But what about uninstall.
Should i run the acrobat reader uninstall ?

In suggestions or idea's to do this a better way

Unless you know exactly what the Acrobat installer does, this is the best way.

I also don't know wheather making your own installer for Acrobat is legal.

Re: Installing e.g Acrobar reader ???

Originally posted by Bugge T. Jensen
But what about uninstall.
Should i run the acrobat reader uninstall ?
I would not run the Acrobat uninstaller. I mean, in a year's time someone will want to uninstall your software and forget that you're the one who installed Reader. They'll think it awful cheeky for you to uninstall something else.

Alternatively, they may have uninstalled it themselves, already.

Either way, AFAIK, it's not a common practice to uninstall 3rd party products that you install.

If it is, someone let me know quick, before they press the GM I sent over yesterday! :eek:

Originally posted by Joost Verburg
I also don't know wheather making your own installer for Acrobat is legal.
He doesn't. He just Exec's Acrobat's installer from his. Why wouldn't that be OK? I'm doing something similar with a 3rd party product, but then, the one I'm installing comes with express permission to redistribute.

I know, I was just saying that the other possibility (installing the files using NSIS) might not be legal.

Thank you for all your replies.

I will run the install as shown.
To uninstall you have to run add/remove programs and the run the acrobat uninstaller.

I think this is the best way

if you want you can add a message window telling that Adobe Acrobat won't be uninstalled and if wanted the user has to uninstall it by himself.

Originally posted by Joost Verburg
I know, I was just saying that the other possibility (installing the files using NSIS) might not be legal.
i agree here with joost, you've got to read adobe's license for acrobat reader, i'm quite certain that the redistribution needs adobe's permission. knowing adobe, they are after such things quite a lot. maybe you should consider a free solution. i think ghostview might be it.