Archive: Easy Wat to Convert a Old nsi Script to the new install dialog Type ?

Easy Wat to Convert a Old nsi Script to the new install dialog Type ?
i made a install script to a mirc cliten version i am providing, but i wan´t to use the new System but what to do ?

How to Convert it fast ?

You should take a look at the examples Joost has provided for the modern ui. The readme located here "contrib\modern ui\readme.html" should answer many of your questions. Basically you can use the basic example here "examples\modern ui\basic.nsi" as a base. Simply replace the install and uninstall sections with you own. You can also over-ride some of the default parameters for things like icons and branding text. I've attached a hacked up version of your script (basically without the section contents) for you to see and use as comparison. Anyway, hope this helps.

The Branding don´t wana show :\

It's in the reamde... To change the branding text define MUI_BRANDINGTEXT as the branding text.

Originally posted by kichik
It's in the reamde... To change the branding text define MUI_BRANDINGTEXT as the branding text.
!define MUI_BRANDINGTEXT "Inteli Systems" <-- That Way yer dident Work

That Way yer dident Work
Huh? :weird:
Repeat that for me please...

i addet that line and it dont work


Nullsoft Install System 2.07

somthing like that

!define MUI_BRANDINGTEXT "Inteli Systems" <-- Dont work :\

where are you lookin? Note that it doesn't show up on the welcome page, but the next page it will have it.

This command is for the latest CVS version (download instructions in the FAQ). It is recommended you upgrade to the latest CVS version, a lot of bugs has been fixed and a lot of features has been added since alpha 7.

Ehm okay ?
Where to Download that CVS version ?

download instructions in the FAQ

okay :D

Damn i don´t know how to set all my Icons Know :\

The Old Version i figured Out but the New Omg :\

Includet my old NSI to Modern Ui

Plz Hlep me to Fix all the Things i made Wrong :\

That looks like an alpha 7 script. Please read the Modern UI readme and look at the examples in Examples\Modern UI. If after you read you still have problems with something don't hesitate to ask again.

Im trying :D
One thing i can´t find out is how to make it posible to Them hu installs my mirc script to Not Chouse Link in Program Bar the Start Menu and The Desktop Icon how to Define thos ??

I Wan´t 3 Choises

Inteli-mIRC ( Requret )
Program Bar Link

How to make that ???

As before, with more sections.

Please note that with the version of NSIS you have there is a plugin called StartMenu that allows you to show a start menu program groups selection dialog. Have a look at Examples\Modern UI\StartMenu.nsi.

Danish Text
Know i am making a Danish Text File, to the projekt, but how to define butten Value ?

eks. Next, Back, Cancel, Browser

Yes, No in the Abort thing ?????

The message box buttons text is set by the system, not NSIS. You can't change them from NSIS.

What Code Shut i give the Danish Tekst ?

Have a look at Contrib\Language Files and Contrib\Modern UI\Language Files.

To use the Danish language, you should create a translation of both types of Language Files (one for the standard NSIS stuff, one for Modern UI).

Change the parameter of the MUI_LANGUAGE macro to use another language.

That i know
That i know :D

But the Code
# Language ID
1033 <-- Thats English what to give Danish ?

Use MAKELANGID.exe in the Bin sub-directory.

The language ID for Danish is 1030.

Thx :D

Where to Post the Danish Files when i am Done ?

Post 'em in the Modern UI Translation topic :D

I made the Sections Know and that work BUT
But how do i Make The First Section namet Inteli-mIRC

So you can´t Unchek the Marking in the Site ?

Inteli-mIRC is the Main Program and The Users Shut be Forced to install that but the 2 Other Things is Optional

Can´t Find enything in exampels
Can´t Find enything in exampels

Use SectionIn RO. It will make the section read-only.

Huu ??
Ehm i don´t understand that :\

Got it :D
Got it :D