Archive: Download files during installation

Download files during installation
Hi everybody !!! :p

I love Nsis installer, it's better than Inno...
I'm from Mexico, and I'm a rockie devoloper in Visual Basic 6.0.
Is there any way that the end-user can download files during installation, por example the Visual Basic 6 runtime modules?

Thanks.... if there's any I'd like to help to translate the strings to spanish...

See ya!!!

In the Contrib folder there is a plugin called NSISdl, it downloads files from HTTP servers during installations.

How can I configure the plug in
How can I configure the plug-in. There are c++ files and readme..:rolleyes:

Read the readme ;)

Don't understand.....
Don't understand... I don't have a c++ compiler

is there other plug-in????

thanks :eek:

I am sorry, I didn't make my self clear enough.
The plugin itself is in the main directory if you have NSIS 1.98, or in the Plugins sub directory if you have NSIS 2.

To know how to use the plugin, read the readme in Cotrib\NSISdl.

You don't need to worry about the C++ files.

Yes, that's right !!!
Yes... that's it...

Thanks dude !!!


:D :up:

Translate the Nsisdl to spansh
How to translate the NsisDL to spanish or another lang?
I don't have a C++ Compiler... :blah:

Thanks !!!

Translating "remaining", "of" and the time is not yet possible. It uses the NSIS text for "Cancel".

An option to translate everything might be added later.