Archive: Spaces in path when using upgradedll macro

Spaces in path when using upgradedll macro

I want to use the upgrade macro like

Push "$PROGRAMFILES\common files\designer\Mscdrun.dll"
!define DLL_NAME ${SOURCE}\c_program_files\common files\designer\Mscdrun.dll
!insertmacro UpgradeDLL

But due to the space in the path this fails

Any ideas


You should use my new UpgradeDLL macro, which works better and supports spaces.

You can find it in the NSIS 2 documentation:


I dont use NSIS 2.0 yet so i think thats the problem.

The exact error is

Push: "$PROGRAMFILES\common files\designer\Mscdrun.dll"
!define expects 1-1 parameters, got 3.
Usage: !define symbol [value]

That UpgradeDLL macro is very old and does not fully handle reboot flags etc.

My new macro should also be compatible with NSIS 1.98. Get it from the link I gave you above.

I use nsis 1.98 so my guess is that the 2.0 macro will work

the exact error is

Push: "$PROGRAMFILES\common files\designer\Mscdrun.dll"
!define expects 1-1 parameters, got 3.
Usage: !define symbol [value]

Sorry posted a message twice. I will try your macro


OK. Did try your macro

with the command

!insertmacro UpgradeDLL "${SOURCE}\c_system32\Mschrt20.ocx" "$WINDIR\Mschrt20.ocx"

But get an error er don't understand

Section: "System32"
SetOutPath: "$WINDIR\Fonts"
File: "WINGDNG2.TTF" 59696 bytes
!insertmacro: UpgradeDLL
Push: $R0
Push: $R1
Push: $R2
Push: $R3
IfFileExists: "$WINDIR\Mschrt20.ocx" ? : copy_c:\TEMP\sn\CBT\install\c_system32\Mschrt20.ocx
GetDLLVersionLocal: c:\TEMP\sn\CBT\install\c_system32\Mschrt20.ocx (393216,5767172)->($R0,$R1)
GetDLLVersion: $WINDIR\Mschrt20.ocx->$R2,$R3
IfErrors ?upgrade_c:\TEMP\sn\CBT\install\c_system32\Mschrt20.ocx:
IntCmpU $R0:$R2 equal=, < done_c:\TEMP\sn\CBT\install\c_system32\Mschrt20.ocx, > upgrade_c:\TEMP\sn\CBT\install\c_system32\Mschrt20.ocx
IntCmpU $R1:$R3 equal=done_c:\TEMP\sn\CBT\install\c_system32\Mschrt20.ocx, < done_c:\TEMP\sn\CBT\install\c_system32\Mschrt20.ocx, > upgrade_c:\TEMP\sn\CBT\install\c_system32\Mschrt20.ocx
Error: !if/!else/!ifdef can only be specified in file mode, not in command/macro mode
Error in macro UpgradeDLL on macroline 26
Error in script "C:\temp\SN\install_cbt\SN_CBT.nsi" on line 76 -- aborting creation process

Forgot about that, NSIS 1.98 doesn't support !if and friends in macro's.

So you have to upgrade to NSIS 2 to use this macro. Download the latest snapshot at It's really stable now, so upgrading won't result in any problems.

You can also remove the


lines from the macro, if you are not using UPGRADEDLL_NOREGISTER.

Hi again

I have now installed the nsis20a7 and is using your macro
but still have the

Error: !if/!else/!ifdef can only be specified in file mode, not in command/macro
Error in macro UpgradeDLL on macroline 26

problem ??

anyway thanks

Alpha 7 is a very old version which also doesn't support this feature.

Download the latest snapshot at

If you still want to use NSIS 1.98 your problem was you didn't quote. Your !define should have looked like this:

!define DLL_NAME "${SOURCE}\c_program_files\common files\designer\Mscdrun.dll"

The old UpgradeDLL macro doesn't support spaces, so that's not the only problem.


NSIS2.0b0 rock's

Everything works now.
I Like the new look of the manual