Archive: Opening HTML File Fullscreen

Opening HTML File Fullscreen
Currently, I'm using ShellExec "open" "file.html", but I would like it to open the file Fullscreen (ie. execute the F11 key when IE opens). Any ideas? Thanks.


i dont know how to solve it, but i feel like reminding you of the fact not everybody is using internet explorer!

Also IMO fullscreening a window is extremely impolite and extremely annoying so don't do it!

Originally posted by killahbite
i dont know how to solve it, but i feel like reminding you of the fact not everybody is using internet explorer!
Funny, I'm usually the one reminding my friends that all the time (Mozilla for me). Although, I'm asking for work related, cause at work, we only develop for IE.

Originally posted by Sunjammer
Also IMO fullscreening a window is extremely impolite and extremely annoying so don't do it!
The project involves interactice CDROM material using HTML, it's for work man, for offline use at that. People who choose to run our software abide by our rules for interface etc.

I guess basically I don't really mean fullscreen, I just want to have NSIS launch a html file with IE without the menubar, titlebar, locationbar etc.. Guess I'm asking if there is a way to pass parameters to IE to open an html file without that stuff. Anyone?

Why not set these attributes in your html? then you don't have to
pass the parameters (if it's possible). You said it's for IE only.:D

Because you can't, I have found that you can only open a new windows with parameters to not show the menubars, buttonbars etc, and not set them on an existing window. Right now I am having NSIS launcher a html file which in turn launches my real html file fullscreen, but then the first window stays open and I can't close it with Javascript because it is the parent window.

Try this,

Exec "$PROGRAMFILES\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe -k $INSTDIR\file.html"

That puts IE in kiosk mode, not what I wanted, but very interesting thanks ;) I also figured out you can call iexplore.exe and pass javascript to it, but that still doesn't work for what I want.

I found a solution. I have NSIS launch a fullscreen.htm file which in turn opens my real HTML file without the navigation bars etc and then closes the fullscreen.htm. My fullscreen.htm file looks like this:

var availablewidth=(screen.availWidth-12);
var availableheight=(screen.availHeight-31);'myfile.html','myWin','resizable=yes,width='+availablewidth+',height='+availableheight+',top='+screen.availTop+',left='+screen.availLeft);

mainwin = window.self;
mainwin.opener = window.self;

The last 3 lines will close the parent window without a prompt. Perfect!
Thanks for the help everyone!

So what you want is a maximized screen?

Why not doing this easy trick: create a shortcut to the HTML file in the temp dir. Set the maximize option in the shortcut and execute it. Delete the shortcut afterwards...

That should do the trick.
