Archive: LogSet on, But $INSTDIR\install.log creation does not become.

LogSet on, But $INSTDIR\install.log creation does not become.
Hi everyone.
Received latest source in CVS folder.
Do so that do define and compiled again NSIS_CONFIG_LOG in Config.H.
But $INSTDIR\install.log file does not become creation.

I'm sorry my broken English. :)

Solved this problem.
If use LogSet in .onInit callback function then does not act.
if use LogSet in start section then logging act...
Is it originally like this?

It is because you haven't set $INSTDIR yet in .onInit. I will add it to the docs.

But Report - DirText, LogSet
First, sorry my broken English.

Makensis version is 2.0b0

Source\Exehead\Config.H --> #define NSIS_CONFIG_LOG -> define!
And Makensis Recompile.

This is bug?

SetOutPath doesn't set $INSTDIR, it sets $OUTDIR. You should use StrCpy $INSTDIR "C:\bla bla" If you want to set $INSTDIR.

Very thanks about kind reply. :)