Archive: Where's the white background color?

Where's the white background color?
Hi.. I downloaded the latest version Nsis but when a run the
installer the white background bar ( in the header is not any more)

Can someone help me?

Here's a screenshot...

Please attach the script and the exact version that you are using.

here is the script
MakeNSIS v2.0b0

You forgot to insert the MUI_GUIINIT macro. From the MUI readme:

If you want to insert your own code in the .onGUIInit function, define MUI_CUSTOMGUIINIT (MUI_UNCUSTOMGUIINIT for the uninstaller) on the right position and insert the MUI_GUIINIT (MUI_UNGUIINIT for the uninstaller) macro in your .onGUIInit or un.onGUInit function:


Function .onGUIInit
!insertmacro MUI_GUIINIT
...your own code...

thanks man, is back again
Thanks man !!! :p

Sorry again, kichik's me again...

about again the white background at the top of the installer,
what is it? Is it a bitmap or just color?

How can be custom, for example..instead of white change to lightblue.


The MUI macros set the background color of that static control to white. There is no define that can change it, but if you really want to do it open up Contrib\Modern UI\System.nsh, search for every SetStaticBkColor and change 0x00FFFFFF to whatever color you want (0x00RRGGBB).

Download the updated Modern UI and define MUI_BGCOLOR.