Sunjammer's NSIS Archive
No doubt no-one has been using the archive for a while since it wasn't being updated, but it's still mentioned in the FAQ. It's now gone, kapput, poof... so links to it won't work anymore.

A new one is operational but has no content yet (and still needs some minor work). The content of the old site was backed up and anything relevant will be updated and reused.

The new site is not stored on my server, nor is it purely organised by me, it is in fact stored in CVS alongside NSIS and anyone can (and is welcome to) get involved with it. It's hosted on the sourceforge account webserver and mysql server and is coded in (rather bad) php. Updates to the CVS are reflected in the live site.

More info on this after Chrimbo since I'm busy basically after today, mainly I just wanted to warn people about the now broken links to Sunjammer's NSIS Archive.

Have a good Christmas!
