Archive: Call Function only if two sections selected

Call Function only if two sections selected
  What's the most efficient way to call a function only if two sections have been selected by the user, using SectionGetFlags? Sorry if this is a dumb question, I just figured there was some way to do it quickly with an IntOp & operation.

Ooops, actually meant if one OR the other is selected. What I am trying to do is check the selections from the user. They can install documentation only if one or another part of an SDK was selected. Will this work?:

SectionGetFlags${SDKDOC} $R1

IntOp $R2 $R1& 0x80000000
IntCmp $R2 0 Skip
SectionGetFlags${CPPSDK} $R1
SectionGetFlags${COMSDK} $R2
IntOp $R3 $R1| $R2
IntCmp $R3 0x80000000 Skip
Call InstallSDKDocStartShortcuts

This should do it:

SectionGetFlags${SDK_PART1} $0

SectionGetFlags${SDK_PART2} $1
IntOp$0 $1 | $0
># SECTION_SELECTED should be defined according to the NSIS version
>IntOp $0 $0 & ${SECTION_SELECTED}
>StrCmp $0 ${SECTION_SELECTED} 0 nonSelected
# do whatever you want to do if one or the other is selected
Goto done
# do whatever you want to do if non is selected

Also tried

SectionGetFlags ${CPPSDK} $R1

SectionGetFlags${COMSDK} $R2
IntOp $R3 $R1| $R2
IntOp $R4 $R3& 0x80000000
IntCmp $R4 0 Skip
Still no luck. It always installs if it enters this segment.

From where are you trying to call this code? I would suggest you call it from .onSelChange, and uncheck the docs section if non of the two SDK sections are selected.

OK, the last bit of code works. Another section was calling that function.

Absolutely correct. I decided to pull this function. In the future, I will readdress it by using OnSelectChange, so that the user is aware of what's going on.

As a side note, I didn't realize that StrCmp worked for these comparisons. I was only using IntCmp. I will keep that in mind for the future.
