Archive: nsExec crash

nsExec crash
Seems some plugin are crashing those days.... :(

here it is ... it's quite complicated and i hope you'll understand !

I'm using an main installer, generated by NSIS (of course), that's executing a sub-program (called by NSIS too, of course), which is executing a DOS program (not generated by NSIS), using the nsExec plugin !
If i'm executing the sub-program by my self, all works fine ! But if i'm using the main installer, it's execution crashs !
The DOS program crashs because of an invalid descriptor :( ! I didn't check if that was the same with any other .com program (i'm using a .com)...

mmm... seems kichik deosn't think this can be called.... a crash !
The title would so be : 'nsExec can cause crash' ... kichik, do you agree, now ??? :D