Archive: makensis.exe /V not working?

makensis.exe /V not working?
It seems that the latest makensis.exe doesn't care whether you use the Verbose tag when executed from the command-line. Anyone else notice this, or know when this may be fixed?


Are you using the Modern UI? The MUI macros use !verbose to hide their contents (a lot of useless commands to the basic script). Maybe Joost can fix something up for the next version to make it not return to verbose 4 on demand.

thanks, that helped. It would be NICE if the /V worked for Modern UI as well though :)

on second thought.... the modern UI doesn't seem to acknowlede the !verbose command.
I've tried adding
!verbose 0
at the top, middle, every line of my .nsi file, and still I get a horrendous amount of output. Anyway to scale this back? I've tried tweaking with the MUI_NOVERBOSE, but when I add that to my .nsi file, it always results in an error in that variable already being declared.
any info would be greatly appreciated.

Download the latest Modern UI from CVS.

By default, it sets verbose flags itself, to display only useful output and not all the internal macro stuff.

If you want to set all the verbose things yourself, define MUI_MANUALVERBOSE and the Modern UI will not add verbose flags.