Archive: Checking


I just tried NIS and managed to have a working installer/uninstaller
in a just over an hour with. Just what I needed simple, easy and
powerful enough.

I have a question in order to make my installer robust enough:
how to check for admin privilege ?
(point me to the relevant manual/faq/forum if I missed the info)


Just search the forum.


OK I found the solution based on a DLL
and the one by trying to write to the
registry (that was my current design).

I suggest to add an entry about this topic
in the appendix B of the manual
(useful function) in some future

thanks again !

It's in the FAQ (the third post in this forum, sticky):

How can I make sure the user installing my software has admin rights?
Use the IsAdmin DLL to find out.
If you are using version b0 or above you can use UserInfo.dll in your contrib folder.