Archive: How can I do something when NSIS compiler terminates?

How can I do something when NSIS compiler terminates?
Hi people!

I'm calling the NSIS compiler from a VisualBasic exe which is basically a GUI for making an installer for a specific program.
I have a lot of trouble with the ShellExecuteA excution of the compiler to make the installer, but it works now.
What need is that the compiler gives some kind of feedback when he has finished making the exe. A messagebox or an ShellExecute to open the output folder or something...
My GUI-program may have already terminated and I can't let it wait for 10 minutes till a big installer file finished compiling...

Any (simple) ideas?

For now you can use CreateProcess and WaitForSingle object instead of ShellExecute. Later you will be able to pass /NOTIFYHWND to makensis.exe and it will let you know when it finishes, what is the output script, and what's the input script. Mayeb some other stuff later...

Sorry to bother, but
Do you have a short example... ;-)

Not in VB... :(

But NSIS uses it for ExecWait (see Source\exehead\exec.c line 835) so you can look in the C source and try to see what you can get from it.

Because VisualBasic is a major pain in the a$%& when it comes to using API functions... ;-)
Thank you anyways...

char *buf0=process_string_fromparm_tobuf(0x00);
log_printf2("Exec: command=\"%s\"",buf0);


if (hProc)
log_printf2("Exec: success (\"%s\")",buf0);
if (parm1)
DWORD lExitCode;
while (WaitForSingleObject(hProc,100) == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
static MSG msg;
while (PeekMessage(&msg,NULL,WM_PAINT,WM_PAINT,PM_REMOVE))
GetExitCodeProcess(hProc, &lExitCode);

if (parm2>=0) myitoa(var2,lExitCode);
else if (lExitCode) exec_errorflag++;
CloseHandle( hProc );
log_printf2("Exec: failed createprocess (\"%s\")",buf0);
return 0;

This is it... OK
Another question : What errorcodes does NSIS return on success or errors... Would be good to know... Are they round some where the files (ah, yes sure they are...)? Where?

If anyone except me is interested,
M$ has a good article about this in the Knowledge base:

HOWTO: Use a 32-Bit Application to Determine When a Shelled Process Ends;EN-US;129796

Does exactly this... Enjoy...
Still I hate VB... ;-)

It's all in MakeNSISw... It basically returns 0 if everything is ok, and 1 otherwise.

In the latest CVS version makensis sends WM_COPYDATA messages to a window specified by /NOTIFYHWND hwnd in the command line. Possible dwData values are:

enum {
MAKENSIS_NOTIFY_SCRIPT, // script full path
MAKENSIS_NOTIFY_OUTPUT // output full path

MAKENSIS_NOTIFY_SCRIPT = 0, grows by 1 for each other define in the enum.

The lpData value is set according to dwData.

Thanks. I already did it with the createprocess stuff...
Works ok...
Maybe I'll try implementing the method of listening to a WM_COPYDATA message, as it is a better way.

Merry Christmas + Happy New Year!

Hmm... You will have to wait on the new stuf, I am having problems with CVS :(

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Ho Ho Ho :D

Aight, Joost uploaded it.