Archive: Slate Blue v3.0

Slate Blue v3.0
After some back and forth PM with kichik, DuaneJeffers and I have decided to redo Slate Blue (hence the version jump).

What we need from you, the NSIS community of users, are some ideas. Any and all of your ideas, in fact, for the next-generation IDE/Script Editor for NSIS. I have included some of kichik's ideas so you can get an idea of how great it really could be with proper realisation.

* An outlook like IDE, with buttons on the left side for pages, sections (files, registry, system files, etc. below sections), callback functions, GUI, etc.
* Plug-ins
* Costumizble wizards, for the MUI for example. Other wizard downloadable.
* Visual editing of pages, custom pages, IO pages, sections somehow, maybe a nice graph of the program directory and system if any files installed there.
* Compiler output parser (I will help making the output more strict if needed) so upon errors or warnings the appropriate line can be highlighted.
* Nice XP ballons, or something alike on every command that exaplains the command usage. Extensions possibilty for the MUI again, and for everything else that might come along.
* Live update of the program itself and every files around it. Maybe a built in download center for wizards, config files and every other possible extension.
* Plug-ins to allow even more extensions
* Nice icons of course with purty colors
* Projecting option to hold all of the files under one object, icons, .nsi files, txt, rtf, bmp's, files used in the installer. Ability to drag files from the project pane to the script for usage anywhere.
* User tools - calling other programs to do something to or with the edited file
* MDI env of course...
* .nsi file stripper for easy uploading to the forums for request of help. Will strip files, set the license to the license included with NSIS, include in a zip file all ini files needed, etc.
* Search box to search NSIS archive, the forums, possibly other resources, Google, etc.
* Ready to use actions, part of the wizards I was talking about above, for usage of NSIS-dl, IO, UserInfo, other plug-ins, etc. Like before wizards will be some kind of config files that will be able to be downloaded, edited, distrubted.
Duane and I have also come up with some ideas regarding plugins. the architecture will be much like winamp 2, where there are different kinds. one set will deal with the loading and formatting of scripts, one with output, etc.

Let us know and we will be working on this more and more. thanks!

why not to get some ideas we had fom N²E !

Some of features we wanted to have were (in addition to some you've already mentioned):
* config files for the different NSIS release (to know what commands are allowed...)
* script insertion using right menu (to add some magic functions, for example)
* multilanguage (:D)
* syntax high-lighting
* contextual help (that would change following word at the current position of the cursor)
* ... and so on .... ;)

This sounds great, question though, what do you plan to program it in? Slate Blue was in VB if my memory serves right. Are you sticking with VB or c++/MFC.. or anything else?

Will the source be available? I'd love to help if I could, not sure I know enough, but would like to try if source is available.


Currently we are thinking Delphi OR C++ Builder. Both are relatively the same in terms of IDE and code. What do you think?

This will be less a GUI and more a script editor (in case I failed to mention that earlier), although it will allow you to compile scripts.

We would love help with the project, so let us know soon.

My noble suggestion
You may use (not copy) the style of ISTOOL (The script maker of inno).
Just some checkboxes, buttons, auto-complete lines, radio buttons...
I'm a programmer too, so I know the hard work....

Good luck... :up:


Hi liquidmotion
You may take a look at MyDevStudio. It's the editor I use to write my scripts now.

we may have to check that out.


I think, the best solution would be a tool like ISTool for Innosetup ( It allows you to create the script using dialogs and more advanced users can always create their scripts manually in it and make their final adjustments using dialog boxes.

For me, it's the best combination.

Best wishes for 2003 !


that is what Slate Blue v2.0 tried to accomplish; a fully-functional text editor along with a wizard interface.

SB v3.0 will have a wizard, but the main focus will be on script editing. We will also be including wizards for generating InstallOptions dialogs and such.

I think something like ISTool would be great, so instead of having the script(code) on the screen, you have list of files that are to be installed, which you can change options for them etc. and InstallOptions dialog builder would be great so you can easily build customs pages.

well, that's pretty much what the Wizard will be. and i've already made an IO dialog builder (see, but we'll build a better one into SB.

we're starting work tonight...any last minute ideas?

(sneaky bump) :)

The IO dialog builder is not compatible with InstallOptions 2. A few suggestions for the new one:

* A possibility to load existing INI files
* IO uses dialog units now, no pixels
* Support for a custom Rect
* Support for dialogs with custom sizes, for other interfaces. Maybe you can make the Modern UI size one of the default sizes.
* A possibility to configure all flags from the UI (including the new grouping/tabstop flags) should

For all the new IO things, check Readme.html is the IO directory.

excellent! thanks guy.

we'll keep you posted.

Additional Ideas
Another great feature would be dynamic folding.
This was implemented into Macromedia HomeSite 5.
You just select any amount of text, two minus
buttons appear in the margin, click one,
and it folds into a button.

If you would like a screenshot, I could post one.

I also love the idea of AutoComplete.


When do you plan have the first preview done? The Final Release?

How is it going with slate blue 3?



started actual coding work on SB3.0 tonight (feb 9, 2003).

after a night of coding, i've got some good layout ideas down, and am working on syntax highlighting :D

For syntax highlighting you might want to use flex (as myDevStudio does and NSIS Archive does) but this requires you to be coding in C. The myDevStudio site has their flex parser code for download, and I can get you the NSIS Archive one (much simpler) and the flex binary to you if needs be.

KiCHiK didn't understand a thing about Flex or Lexer or something, and I didn't understand it eighter. I don't think liquidmotion knows C(++). What irritates me most, is that those so called 'awesom' examples of highlighting in VB don't do anything but selecting a word, coloring, deselecting, selecting the next word, etc...
This is very time consuming (for the programmer and the program itself), and not the right way to do it. Altough I don't know a better way.

He gave me this link:

Flex is a proper parser generator. Ideally you'd want to use something like flex or lex. Unfortunately they only generate C code. Perhaps there are similar tools out there for other languages but I'm not aware of them.

Hmm I guess a flex generated c parser could be placed into a DLL or COM object and then used from within VB to syntax highlight text passed to it... if I get time I might try to put something like this together for you to at least see.

*if* you worked that out, could you please provide me with a copy of it too?

1) i do know a bit of c(++); enough to write SB in it, anyway.
2) the current highlighter will be every bit as good as lex/flex.
3) why not just port lex/flex to delphi?


Delphi? Never used it. Can you program in Delphi, liquidmotion?
Delphi sounds outdated, complex, without enough functionality, etc... ;)


yes, i can program in Delphi. they just released a new version earlier this year, it is relatively simple (although it depends what you do with it), and it contains plenty of functionality :D

It just sounds old: like Borland...

just like Microsoft...

Yep: Microsoft sounds old too! DOS also.
But is Sunjammer trying to create the plugin for Delphi or VB? I'd like the VB version better, of couse.

I know nothing about Delphi, I'd be targetting VB.


B.t.w. keep up the good work!

FWIW, I use Flex and Bison generated files with Delphi. Both generate C code, which I compile with Borland C++ 5.5 (the free command line tools version). Delphi only likes OMF formatted object files, and VC++ and cygwin generate COFF files.

Flex generates a tokenizer which reads character input and breaks it up into tokens, such as keywords ,identifers, operators, etc.

Bison generates a full fledged parser that reads tokens from a tokenizer (such as flex) and matches them against syntax rules.

Using Delphi to call a bison parser requires using the $L compiler directive to link to the .obj file, declaring the generated functions with the cdecl keyword, and implementing stubs for a handfull of C std library calls (malloc, free, fprintf).


interesting. oh well, this way will work just fine.

i think SB3.0 will support VB/Delphi plugins :D

i might even throw in a small scripting language (although it begs the question, "why have a scripting language in an editor of a scripting language?")...

Answer: "To make some (boring) tasks automatical."

Hello Everyone,

I have been working on Venis, another NSIS editor. I notice this forum has received lots of responce but the Forum I created does not have any feedback.

I am planning a new release of Venis very soon. The latest version refines features for editing NSIS files. Take a look at the Venis web site to get info on the next version features:

I will include a screen shot of the latest build.


My little personal suggestion:
maybe an automatic pairing (push/pop, FileOpen/FileClose, Section/SectionEnd, [/], {/}, etc... ) funtion will be useful.

My little personal question:
Why not open a SouceForge Project and merge all the GUI/IDE projects for NSIS togheter in a unique, big, complex and beautiful instrument?
(I'm just curious...)

i guess this is still wip? or is it dead dream?

It doesn't look like there has been much progress. Other editors have been developed in the meanwhile, which you can find at

Archive: Slate Blue v3.0

I found out that SciTE is quite good for the script editing, compiling of NSIS
And for the IO dialogs, the only one I know is HM NIS Edit with a good resource editor
All in one those 2 work great !

SciTE is a very good editor for editing just about all common file formats.
Venis IX uses the scintilla styled text component and I contributed the NSIS lexer to the SciTE project. If you want additional NSIS specific features when editing NSIS scripts then Venis IX is an option.
If you want wizards to aid you in creating new scripts and custom install options pages, then HM NIS is an option.

SciTE Tip, add these two lines in your file so you can open the NSIS.chm by pressing F1 in SciTE:*.nsi=$(CurrentWord)!c:\program files\nsis\nsis.chm*.nsi=4


WAKE UP !!! Where is SB 3.0 ???
Where is SB 3.0 ??? Aaaaaargh !!! :)

dead, since HM Edit (whatever it's called) is LEAGUES ahead of anything SB is/was.

I'm still remember Slate Blue with Nsis 1.9x :)

Also remember when you post looking for the source code.

Good luck in your future projects, man :D