Archive: .NET Issues

.NET Issues

I have been a wise install user for quite a long time! - but the latest windows installer is totally C**p!!!

I was looking into NSIS - but wondered what support has been done for .NET. For example if I need to regsister COM objects and or .NET objects do I have to use the regsvr32 and regasm32 tools and do it manually or is this built into NSIS 2 ? What about auto install of .NET framework etc ?

Thanks in advance.


To register a DLL use RegDLL. To unregister use UnRegDLL.

There is no automatic way of installing .NET framework using NSIS. NSIS never does anything automatically. You can find examples and macros that do what you want and change them to fit your needs, but almost nothing in NSIS is automatic, especially the installation of files.

A recent example:
This thread, among some others discuss this. You can use the method explained in that thread to find out if .NET is installed and if not download the installer using NSISdl and execute it, or run it from your CD-ROM if that's what you are using to distribute your application.

I see no reason why (outside of the tough task of auto-downloading the .Net runtime, which should be included in all versions of XP anyway soon) you need anything special to install .Net apps.

I have an installer for an internal C#/.Net app here at work and it's very simple, you just copy everything into a folder, create a shortcut and off you go...there is no COM DLLs to register or any crap like that, one of .Net's main goals was to get rid of all of that.

The only time you need to do a special step is if you plan to register an assembly DLL into the global cache (i.e. the GAC), but once again all of that can be easily done with a command-line tool that comes with .Net (it's covered in the docs, I don't remember the exact name of the program).

In any way, installing .Net apps should actually be much simpler than existing COM-based apps due to the lack of need for COM DLL registration.


Yeh from playing around - seems I just need to drop to a command line and run regasm32.exe (deals with assembly regs) ... that was my only worry - the rest seems all ok.

Thanks for the help.
