Archive: $quicklaunch

The documentation says

The quick launch folder for IE4 active desktop and above. If quick launch is not available, simply returns the same as $TEMP. The context of this variable (All Users or Current user) depends on the SetShellVarContext setting. The default is the current user.

It seems that i get the $TEMP where and how can this be changed

AFAIK there is no Quick Luanch bar for all users. Use SetShellVarContext current and it whould work.

Ok That works, but really i want it to work for all users. I mean i like to have the shortcut in the quicklaunch bar no matter who is logged on !

Well, you'll have to check with Microsoft on that one. Like I said, AFAIK there no such thing and I couldn't anything useful on MSDN. Please share if you find something useful about it.

I think that there is no shared folder for the quick launch. You could, however, make a very, very small quiet installer that does only put shortcuts into the quicklaunch of a user. This installer would be an exe included in your package, installed when the rest is installed, and then you write an extra key in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run (or RunOnce, but then it will be deleted afterwards). See the registry (make backups!) for examples on how to do this (I can't check it right now, I'm on a public computer).
You have to delete the key afterwards. I cannot give you any details now. Just ask.

It might now work, since Run and RunOnce are, I think, executed before the user is logged in. I have not tested it.