Archive: DropList limited to 999 characters?

DropList limited to 999 characters?

(Nsis 2.0b1 CVS Modern UI)

I need to add 193 items into my droplist, but it doesn't show more than 999 characters, the rest has been cutted automatically. Is there a way to insert more?


Why do you need more than 999 characters? Is that even visible on screen?

If you have a compiler you can change Contrib\InstallOptions\InstallOptions.cpp line 449 and replace 1000 with a bigger number, then recompile.
If you don't I must know why would you ever need more then 999 characters before I make that buffer larger.


I'd already found it in installoptions.cpp, thanks for your reply anyway.

Why do I need more than 1000 characters? 1000 seems a lot, but in fact it isn't when you need for example: "choose your country": there are 200 countries to choose from. It has about 2450 characters.

Best Regards!

Ahh... Right, I forgot that the text field needs to contain all of the entries... I thought you wanted to make a 1000+ characters long line :D

I have updated the max to 4096 characters, that should be enough I think.

Thanks very much! :)

I've tested a little bit with the update, but the droplist is still limited to 1035 chars. (used to be 999) :(

I've tried to compile InstallerOptions.cpp to test with static char szResult[4096];

Very strange that it's 999 characters with a buffer of 1024 and 1035 characters with a buffer of 4096.

Do you have an idea?

Well, NSIS variables are limited to 1024 charcaters by default. Are you using one big variable to write to the INI?

I'm trying to fill a droplist like this from A to Z:

[Field 1]
ListItems=AR, Buenos Aires|AT, Salzburg|AT, Vienna|AU, Brisbane|AU, Melbourne|AU, Perth|AU, Sydney|BA, Sarajevo|BE, Antwerp|BE, Brussels|BG, Sofia|BO, La Paz|BR, Rio De Janeiro|BR, Sao Paulo|BS, Nassau|BY, Minsk|BZ, Belize City|CA, Calgary|CA, Edmonton|CA, Montreal|CA, Ottawa|CA, Quebec City|CA, Saskatoon|CA, Toronto|CA, Vancouver|CA, Winnipeg|CH, Bern|CH, Geneva|CH, Lausanne|CH, Zurich|CL, Santiago|CN, Beijing|CN, Shanghai|CO, Bogota|CR, San Jose|CU, Havana|CY, Nicosia|CZ, Prague|DE, Berlin|DE, Bonn|DE, Cologne|DE, Dresden|DE, Dusseldorf|DE, Frankfurt|DE, Hamburg|DE, Munich|DK, Copenhagen|DO, Santo Domingo|DZ, Algiers|EC, Guayaquil|EC, Quito|EG, Alexandria|EG, Cairo|ES, Ibiza|ES, Pamplona|ET, Addis Ababa|FI, Helsinki|FI, Turku|FR, Bordeaux|FR, Cannes|FR, Clermont|FR, Dijon|FR, Lille|FR, Lyon|FR, Marseille|FR, Nice|FR, Paris|FR, Reims|FR, Rennes|FR, Strasbourg|FR, Toulouse|FR, Tours|GB, Birmingham|GB, Liverpool|GB, London|GB, Manchester|GB, Newcastle|GB, Norwich|GB, Plymouth|GR, Athens|GT, Guatemala City|HK, Hong Kong|HN, Tegucigalpa|HT, Port-Au-Prince|HU, Budapest|HU, Zagreb|ID, Bali|ID, Jakarta|IE, Cork|IE, Dublin|IE, Shannon|IL, Jerusalem|IL, Tel Aviv|IN, Bombay|IN, Calcutta|IN, Delhi|IQ, Baghdad|IR, Tehran|IS, Reykjavik|IT, Florence|IT, Genoa|IT, Milan|IT, Naples|IT, Palermo|IT, Rome|IT, Venice|JM, Kingston|JO, Amman|JP, Osaka|JP, Sapporo|JP, Tokyo|KE, Nairobi|KR, Seoul|KW, Kuwait City|lB, Beirut|LK, Colombo|LU, Luxembourg|LY, Tripoli|MO, Casablanca|MX, Acapulco|MX, Cancun|MX, Chihuahua|MX, Guadalajara|MX, Mazatlan|MX, Mexico City|MY, Kuala Lumpur|NI, Lagos|NL, Amsterdam|NL, Rotterdam|NO, Floro|NO, Oslo|NO, Stavanger|NU, Managua|NZ, Auckland|NZ, Christchurch|NZ, Wellington|PA, Panama City|PE, Lima|PH, Manila|PK, Karachi|PL, Krakow|PL, Warsaw|PR, San Juan|PT, Lisbon|PT, Porto|PY, Asuncion|RO, Bucharest|RU, Archangelsk|RU, Irkutsk|RU, Kaliningrad|RU, Moscow|RU, Saint Petersburg|SA, Riyadh|SE, Gothenburg|SE, Malmo|SE, Stockholm|SG, Singapore|SI, Ljubljana|SK, Bratislava|SN, Dakar|SO, Mogadishu|SP, Barcelona|SP, Cordoba|SP, Granada|SP, Madrid|SP, Palma Mallorca|SP, Seville|SP, Tenerife|SP, Valencia|SP, Zaragoza|SY, Damascus|TH, Bangkok|TN, Tunis|TR, Ankara|TR, Istanbul|TT, Port of Spain|TW, Taipei|UA, Kiev|UA, Odessa|UK, Aberdeen|UK, Belfast|UK, Cardiff|UK, Edinburgh|UK, Glasgow|UK, Inverness|UY, Montevideo|VE, Caracas|VG, St. John|VN, Hanoi|ZA, Cape Town|ZA, Johannesburg|ZW, Harare

The text is being cutted right after HONG KONG. Isn't it possible to add more?

Depends on how you are writing into the INI. Do you compress it ready or do you change it using NSIS on run-time?

EDIT: OK, it doesn't either way... Let me have a look.

It's a custom page that imports the manually created .ini I wrote before the compile. It reads that .ini when the page shows up. About compression? I don't know.

There is the problem. From wsprintf docs:

To use buffers larger than 1024 bytes, use _snwprintf. For more information, see the documentation for the C run-time library.
I will have to fix that one... I will also have to have a look everywhere wsprintf is used =/

For now replace line 585 of InstallOptions.cpp with:

strcpy(pFields[nIdx].pszListItems, szResult);
pFields[nIdx].pszListItems[nResult] = '|';
pFields[nIdx].pszListItems[nResult + 1] = '0';

Thank you!

I'm very sorry to bother you again with another question. When trying to compile InstallerOptions.cpp I receive the following error message:

on line 290: sf->ParseDisplayName(hConfigWindow, NULL, (unsigned short *)s, &eaten, &root, NULL);

[C++ Error] InstallerOptions.cpp(290): E2342 Type mismatch in parameter 'pszDisplayName' (wanted 'wchar_t *', got 'unsigned short *')

I also inserted #define STRICT above #include <windows.h> to avoid an error on line 704

What compiler are you using? Unsigned short is wchar_t...

Borland C++ Builder 6.0 Enterprise

Never used it...
Just change (unsigned short *) to (wchar_t *), that should make it happy.

Well, it did make the compiler happy, but unfortunately not the NSIS compiler:

Invalid command: InstallOptions::initDialog
Error in macro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_INITDIALOG on macroline 8
Error in macro MUI_FUNCTIONS_WELCOMEPAGE on macroline 23
Error in macro MUI_FUNCTIONS_PAGES on macroline 9
Error in macro MUI_BASIC on macroline 9
Error in macro MUI_SYSTEM on macroline 9
Error in script "C:\Program Files\NSIS20\Examples\Modern UI\droplist.nsi" on line 79 -- aborting creation process

Could you please compile it for me so I can go on with my project?
Thanks for all your help!

(you must be tired of me now ;) )

I am sorry I can't help you there... Seems like the compiler doesn't export IO's function or exports them under the wrong name.

I have attached a compiled version with the above change.

(you must be tired of me now :))
Never :D

Thanks very much Kichik, this works fine!
Keep up the good NSIS work :D