Archive: New Modern UI Wizard-bitmaps

New Modern UI Wizard-bitmaps
I've created some bitmaps that you can use instead of the modern-wizard.bmp provided with NSIS. These bitmaps are basically the same, but include the Nullsoft logo, NSIS logo or both.

If you have an alternative idea for such a logo, please tell me. And please tell me what you think of them.

Hm, downloaded twice and kept getting a "no archives found" error.
Does anyone else get this?

Works fine for me.

Looks great! Great idea! I will include with the next version (already in CVS).

Works now, oops.
Looks pretty. :)

got another BMP Wizard
Hey I got this Wizard BMP from the NET, I think is from InstallShield...

Well, I'm just helping with more new images


Re: got another BMP Wizard

Originally posted by dark_boy
Hey I got this Wizard BMP from the NET, I think is from InstallShield...
I have created another modern-wizard.bmp from dark_boy's logo. Again, tell me if you like it and any suggestions are welcome.

Very nice! Will that be included too? ;)

Hey, dude...
Very nice bitmap.... ;)

Does anybody has more?


Please check where you found that last bitmap. Is it copyrighted?

Originally posted by Joost Verburg
Please check where you found that last bitmap. Is it copyrighted?
It is from Windows Server 2003 (previously known as .NET). Well, I don't know about copyrights...

I don't know about copyrights for the bitmaps, I just found it with some cool icons... wanna see them? :)

I want...

If you don't know who the author is, I cannot add it to the NSIS package, because it might be copyrighted. Where did you find 'em?

more icons
I found'em in a mirror site from


Where did you find the Wizard Bitmap?

Well, if they are, they are copyrighted by Microsoft... nobody else.

BeOS Installer Icon
not sure about the legal situation, but the fifth download on neda network has a very beautiful installer icon ;)

Both bitmaps and icons are from a mirror site of :)

But if the'm no have a watermark or the (c) of copyright we can use it freely, right?

I'm not sure. There is always an author who made these, and I don't think he would appreciate it that we copy his work without giving him credit. b.t.w. you can't put a ©-sign (C) on an icon.

Yep. Please try to find some more info at

More bitmaps at

Maybe someone should ask the author if it can be included in NSIS.

No Info. available

Sorry I didn't find more info other than "dead sites"....

But I download and app that uses one of the icons that I suggest.