Archive: Droplist doesn't drop down on NT4

Droplist doesn't drop down on NT4

I've tried my installation package on several machines, and a weird thing happens with the droplist for example on NT4
It doesn't show any item at all. On XP it works, and win2k seems to work fine too. Is it a bug or have I set a false option?


I don't use NT4, but there was an error under Windows ME where the droplist didn't show up. Only a one pixel thick line under the box. Maybe it is that error, but I believe that it's fixed.

I searched the forum but I couldn't find it again.

I've got the latest CVS, here it still doesn't show up. I don't know about ME, but on NT4 nothing...:(

It might be that the order of the controls on the form is wrong. For example: another control may be in front of the droplist when it expands. You should try another UI, or, using ResEdit, place the control under the droplist somewhere else and then look. This won't solve it, this will propably help with finding the solution.

It's solved. I forgot to set the bottom= property in the custom page ini file. On NT4 that property is needed apparently. On other OS types the dropdown list works without it :P

Yep. From IO docs:

Note: For combobox or droplist, the "bottom" value is not used in the same way.
In this case, the bottom value is the maximum size of the window when the pop-up list is being displayed. All other times, the combobox is automatically sized to be one element tall. If you have trouble where you can not see the combobox drop-down, then check the bottom value and ensure it is large enough.

You should add to the manual that you have to specify bottom for droplist, comboboxes etc.. to ensure that it will appear good on NT systems.

That's already in the IO docs... And it's not only NT, 95, 98, and ME too.