Archive: translate InstType

translate InstType
  I would like to know if it's possible to translate the text of InstType in a multilang installer.

For example :
InstType "Full" should Display as "Volledig" inside the Installer when the user chooses to do the setup in Dutch.

Thanx in advance for helping me out. ;) :up: InstType

install_type_name | /NOCUSTOM | ([/LANG=lang_id] /CUSTOMSTRING=str)| /COMPONENTS.. ..ONLYONCUSTOM

Adds an install type to the install type list, or disables the custom install type. There can be as many as 8 types, each one specifying the name of the install. The first type is the default (generally 'Typical'). Each type is numbered, starting at 1. See SectionIn for information on how those numbers are used. If the /NOCUSTOM switch is specified, then the "custom" install type is disabled, and the user has to choose one of the pre-defined install types. Alternatively, if the /CUSTOMSTRING switch is specified, the parameter will override the "Custom" install type text. Alternatively, if the /COMPONENTSONLYONCUSTOM flag is specified, the component list will only be shown if the "Custom" install type is selected.

Use LangStringUP to make InstType multilingual. For example:

LangStringUP InstType_Full${LANG_ENGLISH} "Full"

>LangStringUP InstType_Full ${LANG_DUTCH} "Volledig"
>InstType $(InstType_Full)

To be honest, I have never heard of 'LangStringUp', but it exists. KiCHiK is right, that's the way to do it.
Kichik, is LangStringUp also used in one of the examples? I never saw it...

It's not used in any example AFAIK, but is mentioned in the docs.

Note: If you see squares between letters in the string when you use LangString use LangStringUP (LangString for unprocessed string such as InstType)