Archive: Register Fonts without restarting?

Register Fonts without restarting?
  I read a older post and i cant get anything to work can someone Help me out ....

someone posted a Fonts.Dll file that was supposed to do it here is some of my code

  GetTempFileName $R0 

File/oname=$R0 "C:\windows\system32\fonts.dll"
CallInstDLL $R0 registerFont

If you NSIS 2.0b or the latest CVS, you can put the fonts.dll-file in the 'Plugins'-directory of your NSIS installation. In the script, extract the font in a temproary directory using File and GetTempFileName. Then you can use the following code instead of your own code (change CFBSFONT.TTF to a suitable path):

fonts::registerFont "CFBSFONT.TTF" 

But read this thread carefully. You also have to change or add some registry values and stuff.

If there are still any questions, post your complete script as an attachment and someone will help you if possible.

Im a total noob to NSIS just so you know...

ok i added the fonts::registerFont "CFBSFONT.TTF"

but it still doesnt work
i dont know what to do about the reg strings could you give me some help... it has to be able to work with all windows os's

I have changed your script, but the file is currently at another computer. I will post it in the afternoon in this thread. B.t.w. I couldn't test it, since I don't have fonts.dll installed and i don't have the files you have (including the font).

The way you are installing the VB files in this script is not the best way. Please see: