Archive: No-close message

No-close message
Hi all,

I came across an interesting issue. Can we display a MessageBox without the opportunity to close it untill the installer closes it?

Basicly, I have a silent installer that can take a while. During that time, I only want to display a message that users should be patient and wait for a sec. Since the message should disappear after some process (ExecWait) returns, it is not possible (and anyway never convenient) to program a loop that displays the message again when people click OK.

Anyone a suggestion? Or should I just create a dll or a splash screen? I prefer a normal message, not a splash. But a splash will suffice if nothing else is possible.

Thx anyway for thinking, greetz,

The new Banner plug-in does exactly this.

An example usage can be found in my Frozen Bubble installer:

Good to see you here again Hendri :D
What are you cooking today?

Hey KiCHiK,

thanks, didn't see that yet, sorry.

Me is fine :D Am a PhD in econometrics in Tilburg now. Basically too busy to spend much time on NSIS unfortunately, but sometimes I browse the forums and am pleased to see some of my scripts still walking around in the NSIS archive :)

You OK?

Thx a lot, greetz,

Congratulations! :D

Analyze the fall of InstallSheild for us? I don't think you need a PhD for that though :p

Your useful scripts will keep roaming the NSIS land for ever, fear not :D

I am fine. Working on NSIS 2, learning *cough* useless *cough* stuff in school, hanging around with friends, nothing special :)

Originally posted by kichik
Congratulations! :D

Analyze the fall of InstallSheild for us? I don't think you need a PhD for that though :p

Your useful scripts will keep roaming the NSIS land for ever, fear not :D

I am fine. Working on NSIS 2, learning *cough* useless *cough* stuff in school, hanging around with friends, nothing special :)
Thx! InstallShield? What is that ;) ? And great, I mean something to the world! This is what I always wanted :D

Good luck with your career! BTW, the banner window really looks great. And the new plugin system really works very easy. Well done. My complements for the great improvements in NSIS 2.0!

Keep up the good work. I will pass by every now and then :)

Have fun,
enjoy the smile, wherever you are,


Thanks :D

We'll be waiting here for you, with a smile! :D