Problems with executing shortcuts with ExecWait
I'm attempting to create a shortcut so I can run a command minimized during the install and run that shortcut. My code looks like follows:
CreateShortCut"$TEMP\\1.lnk" "notepad" "" "" "" SW_SHOWMINIMIZED
ExecWait '"$TEMP\\1.lnk"'
>IfErrors "" +2
MessageBox MB_YESNO
|MB_ICONQUESTION "error executing 1" IDYES ""
The log looks like:The message box appears with the error text and notepad does not run. Copying and pasting "C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\1.lnk" into a command prompt will run notepad however.Create shortcut
: "C:\\DOCUME~1\\user\\LOCALS~1\\Temp\\1.lnk"
>Execute: "C:\\DOCUME~1\\user\\LOCALS~1\\Temp\\1.lnk"
I have tried creating the shortcut in $INSTDIR and have tried different targets for the shortcut and I can't execute any of them. Any suggestions?