Archive: msvcrt.dll

I have tried to make a very small nsis script for upgrading a dll (msvcrt.dll). I use the macro UpgradeDLL from the documentation (Useful function, B.10). I can see in the registry that a pending rename function is inserted. Its intensions seems to be right. The syntax is a little cryptic (some ?? and a !).

I do not see any effect, the old msvcrt.dll version is kept.

I have tried to enable boot-logging, but I see nothing there.

I am using Windows 2000, and NSIS v2.0b0

Best regards,
Jan Eggert Kofoed

Please attach the script and the registry key that is written (just copy and paste it).

My script is as follows
!include jk.txt
Name "FORCE Technology (jk's test)"
InstallDir "c:\Programs\SimFlexNavigator"
OutFile jk.exe
Section ""
!insertmacro UpgradeDLL "msvcrt.dll" "$SYSDIR\msvcrt.dll"
I have a copy of msvcrt.dll where I run the scipts. I can see that the correct file is stored in the temp-directory.
With REGEDIT I find
Folder: My Computer/HKLM/SYSTEM/ControlSet001/Control/Session Manager
Name : PendingFileRenameOperations
Data : \??\C:\DOCUME~1\ADMIN~1.PC0\LOCALS~1\Temp\nst1.tmp !\??\C:\WINNT\System32\msvcrt.dll
(Data is one long line).

Thank you very much for your quick respons.

Best regards,

Is the temporary file deleted or does it stay in $TEMP?

BTW, that cryptic syntax is for NT's long paths.

The file IS deleted from $TEMP, and the pending file rename is removed from the registry, so an attempt IS being made. I don't know whether the dll is locked very early on in the boot sequence.

(What I found cryptic was the use of ? and ! :-)

I will test this later on my computer. For now, try using the latest CVS version.

Thanx again for your very fast replies!!!

I have downloaded "Development Snapshot" dated 20020127 (i.e. today), and built all three projects, using the new version of makensis.exe and created a new installation (jk.exe). I get the same result.
The existing dll in c:/winnt/system32 is from May 2001, version 6.1.8924.0
The file nst1.tmp placed in (and subsequently removed from) $TEMP is version 6.1.9359.0

Best regards,

The file is probably protected by Windows File Protection, so you can't upgrade it. Only Microsoft Service Packs can upgrade it.