Archive: HKCR HKLM HKCU write permissions

HKCR HKLM HKCU write permissions
Hi all,

In my install I set some registry keys in:
!define CAPEC_SK "Software\CAPEC\ICAS\Structure"

WriteRegStr HKCU "${CAPEC_SK}" "MainPath" "$INSTDIR"

WriteRegStr HKLM "${CAPEC_SK}" "MainPath" "$INSTDIR"

WriteRegStr HKCR ".ICS" "" "ICAS.Document"

My problem is to know if the user has the right to do that, even if he is not Administrator.
For example a poweruser, or a user with some rights etc...

Do you know if by default a power user can write in these keys?
The right managment is a bite of mystery for me in this Windows registry. Unix is much more simple!

By the way, why this question?

It is because we have created a software which need to be installed on computer of big company members. These people have sometime limited access to their computer, (no administrator rights, but a mix) so if a request them to have admin rights to install the software, they will need to call their IT department and ask to install the software, but it will be done under the "administrator" account, and then for the shortcuts etc... it is a mess.

Thank you...

What you can do to find out is read the value out of the key in question and then try to write the same value back to it. If you get an error (use IfErrors) then the user can't write there.

The right managment is a bite of mystery for me in this Windows registry. Unix is much more simple!
I fully agree :D

:) Thank you! I will look at the IfError function and do that.
